

The 森林管理 Program provides a solid academic background through extensive field training. Classroom work is complemented by field experience in the safe use of tools and equipment, 以及进行森林清查, 植树, 荒地消防, 并前往当地林业机构和企业.


作为一名森林技术员, 你的职责将包括收集和解释森林数据, 环境条件文件, 规定和实施森林管理做法, 检查合约合规性, 监督现场工作人员.

Hocking College offers all-inclusive pricing and works with students to assure they have complete college funding, 包括经济援助, 在开始上课之前. 有关课程费用,请参阅课程表.








住房和膳食计划的定价 可以在这里找到.


Graduates of the 森林管理 program are eligible for employment with public and private forestry organizations and operate forestry equipment ranging from a hand compass to the surveyor’s transit to chainsaws and bulldozers. 

Hocking College makes sure that students are prepared for careers in applied forestry positions as nursery operators, 木材巡洋舰, 修复和重新造林专家, 防火灭火人员, 昆虫或疾病控制技术人员, 造林的工人, 还有对数标量, and to provide sufficient background for growth and advancement in the forestry profession.

Check out potential job opportunities all across the country for forestry management majors on the SAF (Society of American Foresters) website 在这里, or 在这里.


学生学习成果 (SLOs) are statements of what a student will be able to do when they have completed a program. They represent the knowledge and skills a program has determined are most important for students to gain from that program and include both the Success Skills (institutional outcomes) and 项目的结果. SLOs are specific and measurable so the program can accurately assess the degree to which students have achieved each outcome, 他们与大学和机构的使命和价值观一致. Data on the achievement of SLOs is used to make improvements in the program and increase student success. 


1)表现出良好的批判性思维, information literacy and technological competency in the production of academic writing and presentations

2)运用数学方法, 统计或分析推理,批判性地评估数据, 解决问题并有效沟通发现.

3)表现出社会意识, 塑造个人的政治和经济力量, 现代社会的机构和社区.

4)Understand social justice and the diversities and complexities of the cultural and social world past and present and come to an informed sense of self and others.

5)Demonstrate a foundation of knowledge in the natural sciences based on theory and laboratory skills.

6)培养道德价值观, 个人健康和个人学习策略在整个人的发展, 心, 身体和精神.

7) Integrate content material to application in the workforce and apply discipline specific knowledge and skills to successfully transfer or effectively meet the expectations of internships, 工作场所, 志愿服务和/或创业努力.

8) Utilize the ethical and professional application of current information technology and tools effectively.


以下结果是技能, 行为, and attitudes cultivated in students seeking the Associate of Applied Science in 森林管理:

  • Identifies species of trees using individual characteristics, dichotomous keys and site information
  • 运用森林生态学知识, 包括植物演替, 土壤, 环境保护, 天气和气候的影响, 以及树木与其他生物的关系
  • 实行良好的造林和再造林技术
  • 通过消防控制和使用来保护和改善树木繁茂的环境
  • Uses knowledge of the impact of, and methods for controlling insects, diseases and animals
  • Correctly uses equipment and techniques to perform forest and tree measurements to complete a forest inventory
  • 正确地进行土地测量、航空照片判读和地图判读
  • 使用有效的收获技术, 包括安全环保的设备运行
  • 为项目的开发和实施收集和分析数据
  • Implements sound forest management plans with an understanding of multiple use principles and awareness of forest products utilization
  • Demonstrates proactive supervision and inspection skills for compliance and enforcement of forest management practices /projects
  • Practices business management and marketing techniques to set targets/goals for cost-effective forest management



Retention rates are determined by the office of Institutional Research utilizing the following criteria:

  • All registered fall/autumn students with registration status for the following fall/autumn.
  • 不包括特殊人群-大学学分加, 非学位, 在线军事和大学中心.
  • 潜在的 for upcoming fall/autumn excludes graduates from that fall/autumn, spring and summer terms.
学年 保留率
2014 65%
2015  64%
2016 59%
2017 75%
2018 50%



毕业率由机构研究办公室决定. 确保有适当的时间收集数据, this report will be run and posted annually in the last week of September for the previous academic year. It should be noted that annual graduation rates may change as students continue to graduate. 毕业率的计算将采用以下标准:

  • 总体课程完成率定义为以下比例的百分比: 


  • For the purposes of reporting, the program completion rates are aggregated by academic year of entry.
  • A student is considered to have completed or graduated from a program or certificate by virtue of having been awarded the degree or certificate.
  • A student is considered to be undertaking activity in a program of study for the duration of time that they are in an active status in a program or certificate. This is defined by having a Program of Study with a status of ‘A’ during the duration of time they are taking coursework.  Should a student move in and out of active status in a program of study while continuing to take coursework, we only take into account the student’s activity while the program has an active status for that particular program of study.
学年 毕业率
2014 47%
2015 43%
2016 53%
2017 36% 


是的! 在各个领域都有很多很棒的工作. 十大网赌网站大全的大多数毕业生进入以下职业道路之一:政府林业, 工业林业, 林业咨询, 城市林业或荒地消防.


十大网赌网站大全的毕业生在全国各地工作. Essentially, anyw在这里 w在这里 t在这里 are trees t在这里 is the potential for forestry-based positions. 然而,十大网赌网站大全的大多数学生要么在俄亥俄州工作,要么在邻近的州工作.


We currently have a 2+2 articulation set up with West Virginia University for students wanting to earn a Bachelor’s degree in forest management.

而现在, 十大网赌网站大全和俄亥俄州立大学没有正式的合作关系, 十大网赌网站大全的一些毕业生继续在那里接受林业教育, 他们在哪里很成功.

额外的 可以在这里找到转移资源.


作为一名森林技术员, 你的职责将包括收集和解释森林数据, 环境条件文件, 规定和实施森林管理做法, 检查合约合规性, 监督现场工作人员.


所有的森林管理课程都会有所不同, 然而, 超过一半的上课时间通常是在户外度过的.

Some of our NR faculty believes that the best classroom for a student in this program is not located in a building, 而是在校园建筑周围的树林里.


(301) 897-8720 | 传真: (301) 897-3690


通过教育开始你人生的下一个阶段似乎令人望而生畏. 这就是为什么十大网赌网站大全在这里帮助你走好每一步.
